Friday, May 11, 2007

Mirror,mirror, on the wall.....

Ever given the mirror principle a serious thought? You know, this came
to me as I casually thought about who I am and how people see me. The
truth about a mirror is that it shows your reflection as it is not
necessarily as you are. Take a convex mirror for example, it makes you
look bigger than you really are and for the concave mirror, it makes
you look smaller. There are lots of different kinds of mirrors each
manufactured with some unique qualities which make it reflect images in
paticular ways.

This discovery was particularly exciting to me when i gustapossed it
with the way we view each other. It means that I see people they way i
am and people see me the way they are.

Understanding this means that I don't ever have to worry about what
people say about me. After all they are seeing more of themselves than
of me. So i made this conclusion. Next time someone passed a comment
about me whether good or bad, I'll take it in stride and not let it get
into my head. Rather, I'll think over it and check to see if there's
something am missing. Is this a character flaw or uniqueness?

This line of reasoning, to me, is liberating because, I have freed
myself from the control of other people's evaluation. I don't have to
be sorry for being me; I don't have to have acceptance fever....I just
have to be me. Of course I consider other people's views about me but I
don't let it depress me or pop my head.
So, hello mirror, I know exaclty who I am!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So for the first time I am recognising the place of types of mirrors-convex and concave. I only used to think that applied to only lenses.