Saturday, October 31, 2015

He is here for you!

Over the past few months, I've toyed with a thought in my mind trying to concretize it. It is the thought that 'God exists for us'. Yes, that might sound counter intuitive but just hear out my warped logic :-) .

Personally, time and time again, I have experience God step in and literally pull me from the edge of the fire. Many times I was on the brink in diverse circumstances and he just shows up and saves the day even though I've ignored asking for his help. Gently, he nudges to remind me that 'I am here for you. Call on me'

The bible tells us that it is in him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). We are also told that it's in him that everything holds together (Colossians 1:17). Friends, God is here for you. He exists to keep your life together. Another scripture tells us that Jesus lives forever to make intercession for us! (Hebrews 7:25).

How then can we go about life ignoring the very essence of our life? How can we ignore the mighty power that God makes available to us in himself and rather decide to live life being harassed by the devil? The only sane reason I can give is, IGNORANCE. The bible alludes to the fact that ignorance kills (Hosea 4:6).

In case you didn't know, or in case it slipped your memory, let me tell you: God is here for you! Quit struggling in the dark alley of life! Stop dwelling on your guilt! Stop measuring your future by your present! GOD IS HERE FOR YOU!! Waiting, knocking, longing for you to call out to him.

Let's stop this cycle of defeat. Decide today that henceforth, it's no longer back and forth but on and on! For if God be for you, who can be against you!! (Romans 8:31)


Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Power of Fear

There is the common cliché acronym that goes like this: Fear= False Evidence Appearing Real! If you think about it a bit, you'll get the point.

One of the symptoms of fear is worry. A lady who was given to worrying a lot was once asked, 'why do u worry so much'? Her reply: ' Well someone's got to worry about things. If I don't, who will?' She went on to add, ' and half the things I worry about don't happen. So, I must be doing something right!' What do you think of that?
Fear has a great impact on our mind. Take the phobias for example. A phobia is an irrational negative reaction (fear) to certain things or situations. Fear incapacitates us! Phobias are particularly powerful. They are so strong that a person can put himself in greater danger just to escape his phobia. For example, a person with arachnophobia (fear of spiders) will not hesitate to jump out of a moving vehicle if he sees a spider on board!
That's the power of fear! It completely blocks our rational thinking. It counteracts our power of self will! It simply holds us bound!!
If you think about your life, maybe you can find some fears you have harboured in the past, and some that are still present. Our fears may affect others. For example, a parent can fear his child being injured and thus deny the child of stepping out of the house. A boss may fear his subordinates not getting a job done well and thus, holds back from delegating.
The mental attitude of fear, takes a heavy toll on our whole being. It has been linked to many heart and brain problems and even death!
We all have fears. We all come in contact with fear. How can we overcome its incapacitating power?

1. Admit that you are afraid.
2. Answer the question, Why?
3. Decide that you are not going to allow fear push you to inaction or avoidance.
4. Take little steps towards conquering your fear.
5. Ask a trusted friend to help you overcome your fear.
6. Picture yourself free. Think of what you could achieve if you let go of fear.
7. Live life to the fullest!!


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Invest in People

Over the years, I've been blessed with a few great friends. Every now and again I am reminded of the importance of having such people in my life and of course reciprocally too.

You know, the burden of having great friends is being one too! You don't want to be the weak link in the relationship. You don't want to turn the relationship into a parasitic one where you are the parasite!! Nope! You want to have a vibrant symbiotic relationship that adds value to your life in all ramifications!

So please invest in people. Mental illness is fast increasing in our society. Cases of suicide are also on the increase. Depression is fast becoming rampant. You might be the only lifeline your 'friend' has. Take time to build a relationship strong enough to carry the weight of trust and vulnerability. Don't be a hi-fine-bye friend. Stop, take a minute and really talk to people. Really show love to people. Really care about what's going on in their life. It is an investment worth making because tomorrow, you might be the one in need of that infrastructure!

Why not pick out 2-3 people you are going to strategically invest in? One above you, one on your level, and one below you. Begin to build a wall of people around yourself. For indeed says the Yoruba adage "People are your covering".
