Sunday, February 15, 2015

All I want for Valentine's

OK, so it was Valentine's day yesterday 14th February. I am sure you most probably had a special time with your loved one(s).

We all have come to know Valentine's day as a day to show love in a special way, go the extra mile to make people know that you care. 

We usually give/get Jewellery, perfumes, greeting cards, clothing, a meal out and such. Or we could reach out to the less privileged in the hospitals, homes and prisons.

This year can I suggest to you, all I want for Valentine's is your blood!!

I started thinking about this three days ago. I wanted to give some thing different. Valentine's has always been more between by husband and I, and my friends. But this year, I wanted to do more. To show love that well, went the extra mile. To my great surprise and pleasure, the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) was at our church today! And that was the only extra sign I needed to know I was doing the right thing :). In deed the universe was in agreement!
So I bled for love today; 530ml of it! And I am happy because it will go on to give someone out there a chance at life. The kind of gift that keeps giving! Now that's a perfect Valentine's! Or what do you think?
Do you know that in Nigeria many people die everyday simply because there is no blood to transfuse into them during an operation or after an accident? Blood cannot be manufactured industrially. The only hope for having blood available for those in need is from donors- Healthy people like me and you! 
As you read this today why not make a decision to become a donor and start saving lifes one pint at a time! Contact your local NBTS. Encourage your friends and family to think positively about donating blood. Remember you just might be the one in need of blood tomorrow.
So happy Valentine's! Let's make it a 'bloody' great one!


Unknown said...

Last week in my hospital,we lost a gunshot victim cos we could not get blood when we needed it. So this is simply loving. I am going to do mine. Happy vals's day.

Unknown said...

Wow truly inspiring. God bless you!!

Toyin said...
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Toyin said...

Wow! That's really sad. Its amazingly disheartening how averse people are to donating blood. There really needs to be more advocacy or are we going to start importing blood. We must keep talking about this cos we could have easily been this gunshot victim.
Please do yours asap. Let love lead!

Toyin said...

Thanks Sis.