Saturday, March 21, 2015

Marriage: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Marriage is a formal agreement between two people to share their lives together intimately and permanently.

Marriage is almost always a life changing decision for many. Changing homes, changing locations, changing responsibilities, changing jobs, changing experiences. It could really be a roller coaster of sorts.

By default we all want a good marriage. A positive one that makes our lives at least OK. Hopefully better than before but OK would be the barest minimum. With the pressure  to marry so high, I wonder if anyone actually considers not marrying as an option! Today, it seems like the natural progression. Birth- Toddler-Child-Teenager-Adult-Married-Parent-grandparent-Death! Anyway that's not the subject of today's post. Today I am talking about marriage.
So, you are married or (desperately) want to get married. Here are some tips.

How to have a Good marriage
1. Choose the right person: be true to your self and choose someone you love and respect. Take your time here, don't hurry cause... YES, this is the big moment!! (There's so much to say on this point, I need a separate post!)
2. Decide to stick with your decision: Get it written in your heart from when you get engaged that this is for the long haul.
3. Don't take yourself or each other too seriously: You are both human. You WILL make stupid decisions and crazy mistakes. Prime yourself up to handle them.
4. Trust each other: Believe in your spouse. Trust her to do the right thing. Trust him to make the right decision. When you trust your spouse, it gives them confidence and courage to actually not break that trust. Of course, it's not a licence for recklessness!!
5. Be ready to forgive: So the worst happens! And everyone is calling for your spouse's head. What do you do? It's up to you really. Forgiveness is an active decision you take. Forgiveness is not equal to being dumb and it's not to be taken as a license to be irresponsible. It's the highest act of love powered by God himself. Reach out and receive it, then apply it.
6. Be bold: Many situations call for boldness. You must be bold to take your stand against anything or anyone that comes to attack your marriage. You must be bold to discuss issues that are impacting your marriage especially negatively. You must be bold to admit that you have a problem(s) and figure a way out.

How to have a Bad marriage

1. Marry for a bad reason: marry because you are old, all ur friends are marrying or are married, your mum wants grandchildren, the guy/girl is rich, the guy/girl is religious!
2. Style your marriage on something out of cosmopolitan magazine: They do live happily ever after. The issue is they don't tell you 'ever after' what?
3. Make your marriage the hottest gist in town: You work for a gossip magazine so, its part of you. Yes we know, just keep work at work. Not everybody is interested in seeing even your 'clean linens' in public!
4. Try to out do your friend, sibling or neighbour: Competition mode activated. The best you'll be is a good copy. And the rat race? Save yourself the hassle determine to live your life not someone else's. Be self assured!
5. Compare your spouse with your ex or others: Sorry your spouse will never be Denzel Washington or Obama, the lady down the street, your ex girlfriend, neighbour or your siblings spouse. Don't run them to their ruin. Let them be themselves (that's who u married). And its your job to lovingly build them up not tear them down!!
6. Make your parents your no1 advisers: Put mummy's number on speed dial 1 so you can quickly get advice on if its OK for your spouse to spank your child for example.

How to have an Ugly marriage

1. Be unfaithful: From being flirty to actually doing it. Unfaithfulness will slam a dagger down the throat of your marriage. Don't engage it and if you fall, be bold to own up and ask for help!
2. Be jobless: An Idle man's heart is the devil's workshop. When all you do is watch TV all day or gossip with your neighbours, soon you will see some evil, hear some evil and do some evil. Get busy!!
3. Be afraid: Be paranoid. Eavesdrop on phone calls, texts and lettters, Call ur spouse 50 times a day to 'check on them', quiz them about their whereabouts, ask them to cut off all friends (and family), give your spouse curfews.
4. Do not trust: Decide not to trust your spouse. If he's gone to work, surely he's going to 'branch'! Calculate how long it takes to drive from work home and track him!
If she's going food stuff shopping surely she'll go wasting money on some phoney makeup! Always keep her cash strapped.
5. Hate your in laws and show it: don't ever call ur mum-in-law and when she calls send back a busy tone. If she calls thru her child, have them say you are busy washing, cooking, bathing etc. Do not attend family occasions!! Pls don't!

Unfortunately, despite this long list, there is no perfect recipe for any of these types of marriages. You have to keep working at it. Varying the quantities, species, and even experimenting with new ingredients!
Above all, trust God and rely on him!

Today I and my husband celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary and I thank God that its been good so far! I pray for more grace and wisdom to make it even better.


Please drop a comment and Let me know what you think of my list. Thanks


Unknown said...

I think something else that can make a marriage ugly is having unrealistic expectations.
Happy wedding anniversary. God continue to bless your home.

Toyin said...

Yeah true, that's kind of covered under points1and 5 of how to have a bad marriage. Thanks for the input, thanks for the wishes and Amen to the prayer!! :-)

Unknown said...

Fabulous write-up congratulations. Another thing that can cause an ugly marriage is expecting your spouse to satisfy all your needs 100%. He is human so get on with it!

Toyin said...

He he he very true sis Good point. Thanks

Unknown said...

I just love the three Captions..
A good Marriage, A bad marriage and the Ugly type (Nice piece)
But seriously, i sometimes considered not getting married

Anonymous said...

very luvly write up,i think one of the ways to 'good' up your marriage, is to remove the idea of Divorce from your mind {well except in really extreme cases eg violence]. removing that from your mind helps you put in your best into the one you are in, but when you keep in view that you have all your options open,you begin to compare your options, become selfish, and of course begin to cheat.....HWA Dearie,been trying to call you,i guess you are busy.