Monday, September 28, 2015

A carpenter? Give it ur best!!

A few weeks ago, my pastor preached a message titled: 'what's wrong with being a carpenter?' His thrust was that we should not forget that there is a process to every greatness. The place u are today, is right on the path to where you are going to be tomorrow!!

So what's wrong with being a carpenter? Two things:
1. People despise you.
2. You despise it.

The second point is the subject of this post.

I just bought a plate of rice from a small scale food seller aka bukka :-) on getting home, I dished out the food. It turns out she had put in more oil than actual sauce. The little sauce she put in could hardly be enough for half the rice. So here I am chewing at plain white rice smeared with oil, and am thinking to myself how I will never go back there again no matter how hungry I am! She's lost my business and my circle of influence as well!!

What's my point? In my interpretation, she is a carpenter, because that is not the highest level in the catering business but, there is something wrong! She is despising her carpenter-hood!!

When you despise your carpenter-hood
1. You miss your opportunities for moving up
2. You are telling God that you are not a faithful person

It's easy to deal with people despising your "carpenter-hood" but when you despise yourself, it is certain that you will stay at that level at best. The worse news is, you'll probably sink lower.

So dear friends, you might be a carpenter today but, give it your best shot. Give it all the love and commitment you can muster. Determine to be the best carpenter that has ever walked the earth. Do not attempt to cut corner to save a penny because when your customer finds out, you will loose his trust and patronage instantly as well as anyone in his circle of influence.

Come on, show them who is boss! Be a man!! See u at the top!


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