Sunday, October 4, 2015

Invest in People

Over the years, I've been blessed with a few great friends. Every now and again I am reminded of the importance of having such people in my life and of course reciprocally too.

You know, the burden of having great friends is being one too! You don't want to be the weak link in the relationship. You don't want to turn the relationship into a parasitic one where you are the parasite!! Nope! You want to have a vibrant symbiotic relationship that adds value to your life in all ramifications!

So please invest in people. Mental illness is fast increasing in our society. Cases of suicide are also on the increase. Depression is fast becoming rampant. You might be the only lifeline your 'friend' has. Take time to build a relationship strong enough to carry the weight of trust and vulnerability. Don't be a hi-fine-bye friend. Stop, take a minute and really talk to people. Really show love to people. Really care about what's going on in their life. It is an investment worth making because tomorrow, you might be the one in need of that infrastructure!

Why not pick out 2-3 people you are going to strategically invest in? One above you, one on your level, and one below you. Begin to build a wall of people around yourself. For indeed says the Yoruba adage "People are your covering".



Anonymous said...

This is a very impressive perspective of what it means to be a blessing to people around us. Love makes the world go round. We should show love & kindness anywhere God has placed us. In our little way we can put smiles on the faces of people who may be going through some challenges

Unknown said...

What a great piece. There's nothing as good as a sincere frienship,just like the adage says a friend In need is a friend indeed.add the love of jesus + a tru relationship you have a perfect friendship but wt out jesus's kind of love it's minus- zero 0.God bless you sis.

kennie747 said...

This is a nice post . Even the strongest of us sometimes experience the worst of moments. As social beings, We all need someone. People are seriously hurting in so many different ways. A kind word, a kind gesture, just a little kindness goes a very Long way in helping other cope with their struggles.
Thanks for this post once again.

Toyin said...

Yes that's true. Thanks a lot

Toyin said...

True.. Jesus makes the real difference. Thanks ma.

Toyin said...

My Bro! Gbam!! Sometimes we might think we are doing others a favour by reaching out to them but as life circles round we realise that we also have our weaknesses!!! Thanks.

Olugbenga A. Olufemi said...

This is a splendid creativity and I love it. To build and develop people is like building a strong wall around us to stand for us against the evil day .

Toyin said...

Yes sir! Thanks and God bless.